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The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament: Aramaic Supplementary Bibliography - Vo... by Ludwig Koehler, Walter Baum... ISBN: 9789004115286 List Price: $153.00
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Volumes 1-4 1) by Ludwig Koehler, Johann Jako... ISBN: 9789004111516 List Price: $399.00
Hebrew & Aramic Lexicon of the Old Testament by Koehler, Ludwig, Baumgartne... ISBN: 9789004123519 List Price: $179.95
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Vol. 3 by Ludwig Koehler, Walter Baum... ISBN: 9789004096981 List Price: $289.00
Travels in Peru, during the years 1838-1842, on the coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordill... by Ross, Thomasina, von Tschud... ISBN: 9781115186902 List Price: $47.99
Travels in Peru, during the years 1838-1842, on the coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordill... by Ross, Thomasina, von Tschud... ISBN: 9781115186865 List Price: $50.75
Oekonomische Encyklopdie, Volume 221 (German Edition) by Krnitz, Johann Georg, Krüni... ISBN: 9781148012223 List Price: $43.75
Peru: Reiseskizzen Aus Den Jahren 1838-1842, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Von Tschudi, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781148215211 List Price: $32.75
Tempe Helvetica V3, Part 1-4: Dissertationes Atque Observationes Theologicas, Philologicas, ... by Altmann, Johann Georg, Brei... ISBN: 9781166391553 List Price: $52.76
Johann Jakob Moser and the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation by Walker, Mack ISBN: 9780807814413 List Price: $34.95
Travels in Peru, during the years 1838-1842 on the coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordille... by Johann Jakob von Tschudi, T... ISBN: 9781241336486 List Price: $40.75
Das Nordamerikanische Bundesstaatsrecht, Part 1: Verglichen Mit Den Politischen Einrichtunge... by Ruttimann, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781160370943 List Price: $37.95
Die Familie Hackeney Zu Koln : Ihr Rittersitz und Ihre Kunstliebe (1863) by Merlo, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781169081093 List Price: $27.16
Historia Critica Philosophiae V3, Part 2 : A Christo Nato Ad Repurgatas Usque Literas (1743) by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781169298064 List Price: $33.56
Natur-Histori des Schweitzerlands by Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781169353954 List Price: $44.76
Disputatio Medica Inauguralis de Junipero Quam Auspiciis Divinis by Baier, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781169461628 List Price: $24.76
Hortus Elthamensis Seu Plantarum Rariorum Quas in Horto Suo Elthami in Cantio Coluit Jacobus... by Dillenius, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781171030171 List Price: $34.75
Geschichte der Israeliten Vor Den Zeiten Jesu by Hess, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781174002519 List Price: $63.75
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